Wednesday, July 11, 2007

It won't be long now...

The writing is on the wall for several candidates from both parties. The Democrat race is pretty much down to Clinton and Obama, and I feel it's only a matter of time before the others drop out. I expect Edwards will stay in the race for quite awhile yet, but I think he'd be better served saving face and dropping out so he can tend to his sick wife.

The Republican race is turning into a 3-horse battle among Giuliani, Thompson and Romney. McCain's numbers are currently OK, but they're sliding. He and Thompson are basically attractive to the same core group, and Thompson is winning that battle. More importantly, McCain's financial situation is becoming increasingly dire. He'll stick it out as long as possible, but as far as I'm concerned, his campaign is essentially over. As for Brownback, Paul et al, their 15 minutes are also up.