How much do you agree with the following statements?
- Congressional Democrats have not lived up to their promises since taking power in 2006.
- Congressional Democrats have failed to lower taxes, and in fact have raised taxes even higher since taking power.
- Congressional Democrats are out of touch with the American people.
- Congressional Democrats are really communist sympathizers who want nothing more than to turn the U.S. into an Islamist state run by Al Qaeda.
- etc.
So how does the AEA see the dustup between Hillary and Barack over happy visits with Castro (qualquier), Hugo Chavez, Kim, jr, et al? Obama originally pledged to meet them in his first year as Pres. Clinton said that's naive.
Is BO not ready for primetime? Is HC just showing herself to be tough? (It would be interesting to see her interacting with Chavez, who was brutally crude about Condi Rice's being a woman.)
That's a good question. I think by making that statement, Obama demonstrated an idealistic streak, possibly bordering on the naive. It is clear that Obama either does not understand the rules of diplomacy or that he intends to ignore them.
Persons of the "can't we all just get along (and hold hands and sing Kumbaya)" variety will be attracted to Obama's stance, and I think Hillary's will solidify that she's more of a diplomatic realist. I also think the fact that GOP candidates (who have to regard Clinton as the greater threat) have come out backing Clinton is telling.
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