Thursday, August 30, 2007

Subtle shifts

I'm going to remain focused on the GOP race for now, since that's where the action is. It looks like Giuliani is fairly steady at just under 30%. Some of the luster has worn off Thompson - so far he's all dressing and no meat. But Romney's campaign is starting to make some headway. He's got the support to carry several states. Historically, the GOP candidate who has won two of the first 3 primaries/caucuses has won the nomination, and he's got the buzz and name recognition such that he just might pull it off.

He's got a lot ground to cover, but he's also got the means to do it. Money isn't a problem. His conservative credentials are, as is the fact that he's a Mormon. He'll have to work hard to win the Bible Belt, but I think that with the right people in the right place and the right campaign message, he could steal it from Giuliani. Of course, the ideal situation for him would be if Thompson decides not to declare and/or McCain drops out. I don't think Giuliani would get more than 25% of voters from those camps, whereas a surging Romney just might win enough support to put him over the top.

1 comment:

Adrian said...

I think you're right. One problem Romney has is that he's not well known. But from what I can see, he's a nice guy. (Whether it's wise to elect the buy you'd most like to have come to your BBQ is another issue!) Rudy G isn't really likeable, and his claims to have suffered about as much as anyone during the post-9/11 cleanup can come back to bite him in the butt. He may well start losing ground simply as more and more people get to see Romney and get comfortable with him.