Thursday, October 4, 2007

Money Talks

By law, every Presidential candidate has to submit a quarterly report on fundraising activities, including donations, loans and expenditures. Cash is a critical tool for candidates, as it is needed to pay for staff, advertising and travel, but it is also a barometer for a campaign's health: more donations mean more support.

It should come as a surprise to absolutely nobody that Hillary Clinton generated the most cash. According to her campaign, between July 1 and September 30, she was able to raise about $27 million. This number dwarfs the next-strongest money maker, Barak Obama, and his $19 million. Republican candidates aren't anywhere close. Mitt Romney was able to raise $10M (and added about another $8M of his personal funds to the coffer.) Fred Thompson raised about $8M, and Ron Paul shocked everyone by raising $5M. This is significant because it gives him enough cash to campaign nationally for the early primaries. In contrast, Mike Huckabee has better poll numbers than Paul, but barely reached the $1M mark.

There is a definite correlation between campaign spending and electoral success. The GOP is in big trouble.

1 comment:

Adrian said...

Hey!!! Pat Robertson has just endorsed Rudy Giuliani and the AEA has nothing to say about it?!?!

John McCain, whom David Brooks calls the only candidate with true character, is starting to climb back in the polls. And the AEA hasno comment?

Hillary Clinton thinks that it's time for all the guys to stop picking on the girl, which suggests that it's time for all the white folks to gang up on the black guy, and AEA has no comment?

What the hell kind of way is this to run a blog!?!?!