Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How quickly the tables turn!

The Super Tuesday primaries and caucuses are over, and results are still coming in. That said, every race except New Mexico's Democrat race can safely be called: in New Mexico, Clinton and Obama are neck and neck, with less than 1,000 votes separating the two. For the Democrats, Obama won more states, while Clinton won the big states. Mathematically, we'll call it a stalemate, which plays into Obama's hand. But how large are Florida and Michigan looming now? This race is extremely close and won't clear up any time soon.

For the GOP, as expected, McCain surged to clear front-runner status. My prediction was that McCain would come into today with around 600 electoral votes, and according to, he's got 615, but that's not the whole story: only 59 of California's 171 GOP delegates have been assigned, so he could end up with a whole lot more. Huckabee had a stronger-than-expected showing, winning several states in the Bible Belt, while Romney started the night weak before rebounding with wins in several states out west. Nonetheless, with 1191 delegates needed to win, McCain is very clearly in the driver's seat.

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