Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lots to report

It occurs to me it's been awhile since I've written anything here. So the tickets are Obama-Biden and McCain-Palin. I don't like the Biden pick at all. It's Senator - former Senator, which is very bad for the experience factor, even though Biden is an old veteran. It also weakens Obama's Washington Outsider card.

The Palin pick, on the other hand, is sheer genius, I think (media notwithstanding.) She's not very experienced (which hurts that argument, but McCain's played that out), but she does have executive experience and she's very much got that reformer/Washington outsider thing going. I've got a lot of intelligent stuff to say about this whole dealie, but I need time to collect my thoughts. So instead, I'm going to rant a bit.

Chris turned on the TV this morning and Good Morning America was on. Merideth Viera was "interviewing" a McCain spokesperson about the fact that Palin's 17-year-old daughter got herself knocked up, and how dare they not bring that to light during Palin's introduction as the VP candidate (WTF??) and why did they wait so long to announce this. Because, you know, from Friday to Monday is an eternity. How dare they wait 3 whole days? What a scandal! What a cover-up! And then she lit into another GOP spokesperson, ripping her for essentially the same thing, and boy did they do a bad job of vetting the candidate, etc. Never mind that everyone in Alaska pretty much knew the deal.

And the real tragedy? Her family's personal life was laid out bare because some Obamanite bloggers decided to spread rumors that her infant with Down Syndrome was actually this same daughter's. (I'm going to be rude and presume these are the same bloggers who cried "for shame" when conservative bloggers ripped Michele Obama for not being patriotic enough.)

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