Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Paring things down further

Florida is voting today. For the Democrats, this means exactly nothing, since the party stripped all of Florida's delegates. This is bad news for Clinton, since her lead in Florida is pretty comfortable, and means exactly nothing. For the GOP, Florida is vital, because it's a winner-take-all state, and a big one. The most recent numbers have McCain and Romney in a statistical dead heat - less than 1% difference between the two. Giuliani is a very distant third, and has little real hope of winning.

If Giuliani fails to win Florida, I don't see how he'll be able to continue his campaign. I do think he will want to try to make it through Super Tuesday, but it's more probable he will look at his financial situation and what his numbers are like in the Super Tuesday states. Given that he's trailing in both New York and New Jersey, I wouldn't be surprised if he drops out later this week. Florida was to be where he made his stand and gained momentum heading into Super Tuesday, and that simply hasn't materialized.

The Clinton camp have become their own worst enemies. Bill's playing the race card has escalated the Democrat race from being cordial but contentious to being downright hostile. There's some serious bad blood there, and Hillary is taking the worst of it. She desperately needs to do some damage control, repair some bridges and shut her husband up ahead of Feb 5th if she wants to regain control of her destiny. There aren't enough delegates at stake to decide the winner on Feb. 5th, but if one candidate can dominate, that candidate will be very hard to beat. If Obama has a huge Super Tuesday, it'll be all over but the shouting.

1 comment:

Adrian said...

And now there's the Kennedy factor.

Bill has created a situation in which his wife is no longer the party establishment's candidate. Stunning!